Saturday, 15 September 2012

blogsy test

Hey guys and girls I was looking for a app to blog on my Ipad so i can write on the go. I stumbed upon a app called blogsy, in the near future i will be blogging on this app and testing it out. As i am looking to update the blog fortnightly this willl hopfuly be a realy productive app that i can use on the go.

I am looking to uploading a fue vidieos too so hopfuly i can work how to edit and upload not shore my ipad will do that but if i can it will be grate so i dont have to spend so much time in front of the computer.

As a bit of a end note i have new website to run along side my blog to display my best work resent trips and client proofing. AAttwoodPhotosLink

Just to end here are a fue of images well it is a photo blog after all.

Shot from a mates garage the old things are usually the most interesting.
This one is from a walk along the river
This was playing with my gels and light temperature

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Fill flash

FILL FLASH!!!!!!! What is it? Fill flash is using added light to lighten the shadows on your subject, or to illuminate your subject because the dynamic rage in your image is to great for your camera to capture.